CES PTO with the home run! Concession stand for teacher appreciation.
Did you know that this year PTO raised funds to increase our STEM resources that all K-5 students access to enrich their education? Thanks PTO

CES teachers being spoiled by our AMAZING PTO for teacher appreciation week!
Did you know that PTO made sure that not one student missed out on any activity, event or trip this year due to financial hardships? Thank you PTO for helping all of our students and staff.

This year, teacher appreciation week is May 8-12. Please see the attached flier on how you can help CES celebrate our amazing teachers.

Congratulations Churubusco Livestock Judging Team! After capturing a national championship title this past Fall at the North American International Livestock Expo, the team qualified for The Royal Highland Stock Show in Scotland! The team will be representing Indiana and the entire United States during this time. Be sure to keep up with the Team by following their facebook page, Churubusco Livestock Judging Team!

Happy Principal Appreciation Day to Mr. Whonsetler and Mr. Roe. Thank you for all you do!

We have an amazing leader @ CES! Thank you Mr. Whonsetler for all that you do for our amazing school!

Wednesday, the Churubusco Rotary Club honored the Senior High National Honor Society members, the Junior High National Honor Society members, the top 2 freshmen and sophomores (only 3 pictured) and the Rotary Youth Leadership Award recipients with a luncheon. Congratulations!

Today, Mr. Brandon Pollock was presented with a grant for $1,000 to use in his classroom. The grant comes from the James Foundation Grant a Day program. Warner Ott (11) nominated Mr. Pollock for this grant. Congratulations Mr. Pollock and thank you Warner for recognizing your teacher for this honor.

Churubusco HS Spring Play - “Love of a Pig”
APRIL 28 & 29
LOVE OF A PIG is a fast moving comedy about Jenny, a twenty-something jazz violinist content with life except when it comes to the opposite sex. Having calculated the number of nights spent alone since becoming an adult, Jenny scientifically approaches the question, “Why not me?” When her 'Mr. Right' comes along, everything seems to go wrong, and a new self examination begins. LOVE IS A PIG is a hilarious tour de force of dating and courting.
Cast members include Jada Peer, Drew Foote, Jasmine Drudge, Cohen Egolf, Kylie Mapes, Truman Sade, Hailey McCleary, Brodie Schilling, Delaney Ott, and Harper Books. Working behind the scenes are Stage Manager Libby Dreibelbis and crew members Katy Dreibelbis, Reese Minthorn, and Sarah Peer. Come support these talented students!
Pre-sale tickets are $8.00 and available online at www.churubuscofinearts.com. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door for $10.00 one hour before curtain on performance nights.

Seitz and Tomlinson’s classes had a great day at Camp Lutherhaven! It started out wet and rainy but turned into a very nice day of learning, hiking, and playing! We learned about our senses and how animals use their senses to navigate their environment.

An updated 2023-2024 school calendar is available on the website. A link to the calendar follows ....

The Churubusco Archery Club continues to aim for victory with a 1st place finish at the Central Noble League Championships! Congratulations!

Check out the responses students in Mrs. Hogeston's Digital Apps Class received! Students wrote to learn more about a business and several students received special items back.

Band members from grades 7-12 participated in Windfest today at Purdue Fort Wayne. They performed at the Rhinehart Music Center. Nice job musicians!

Congratulations to the Churubusco Archery Team! The team consists of CES & CJSHS students plus they have qualified for the National Archery Tournament in May! Way to go!

CES students and teachers taking advantage of this beautiful Spring day!

Looking for an easy way to order your copy of the high school yearbook? Just scan the code with your phone! Can't wait to see the 2022-2023 yearbook!

Parents of Seniors - Senior pictures & quotes for the yearbook are due April 14th. Give to Mrs. Diehl or email them to her at diehlm@sgcs.k12.in.us Don't have a senior picture? No problem, have your senior see Mrs. Diehl. She will take a picture; no charge!

High School Yearbook Orders - The deadline is quickly approaching to order the 2023 High School yearbook. You can order at www.jostens.com or pick up an order form in the HS office or library. See Mrs. Diehl with any questions.

Students in grade 4 & 5 completed a research project and then made oral presentations! Good job!